In the world of Star Trek, the West Virginia and Regional History Center also has an archival collection of the musical scores for the series, Star Trek, the Next Generation, a gift from the composer plisherJay Chattaway, an alumnus of WVU.

Asimov is best known for his science fiction trilogy, Foundation, and the sci-fi classic, I, Robot. author of science fiction, children’s books, and novels, among other genres. This book is but a small addition to the West Virginia and Regional History Center’s extensive Science Fiction collection that includes a significant collection of the works of Isaac Asimov, a prolific 20 th c. The book is also illustrated with the portraits of other crew members, two Star Fleet insignias, and a two page spread of the starship Enterprise. Portraits also include two page spreads of Capt. The first Star Trek movie, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, opened in theatres only 3 years later in 1979. Scott) appearance at the American Star Trek Convention (the first convention was held only 4 years prior), NASA’s first space shuttle named, you guessed it, the Enterprise, and the landing of the first spacecraft on Mars, the Viking 1, a unmanned U.S. Highlights in the Star Trek timeline for 1976 include James Doohan’s (Mr.
#Star trek resurgence wikipedia series#
Star Trek: The Animated Series, which debuted in 1973 and ran for two seasons (1973 – 1974) voiced by the original cast, was developed as a direct response to the Star Trek fan base whose aggressive campaign pushed for the series revival. One of the most popular miniature books produced by the Amistad Press, Star Trek: A Television Series, 1966 –69, was published at a crucial moment in Star Trek history after the series’ demise, yet released at the dawn of fan resurgence. The portrait shown above is a two page frontispiece spread of Star Trek series creator Gene Roddenberry. This miniature may be small but it’s packed with portraits including twelve black and white illustrations by a variety of artists. or 30 x 24 mm! Truly a rarity, this tiny tome is one of only 300 copies, and signed by Yolanda Carter, the publisher and binder of Amistad Press. This new acquisition is a miniature book measuring only 1/4 by 5/8 in. To celebrate Star Trek’s 50 th anniversary I would like to share with you a new acquisition to the Rare Book Room in the West Virginia and Regional History Center, a miniature book titled Star Trek: A Television Series, 1966-69. Today, following an unprecedented series of spin offs, the first Star Trek is referred to as TOS or The Original Series.
#Star trek resurgence wikipedia tv#
This year, 2016, marks the 50 th anniversary of the iconic science fiction TV show, Star Trek, which debuted in 1966. Blog post by Stewart Plein, Rare Book Librarian.